Course description
SMART objectives provide a person with a sense of purpose in life. This course will teach you how to develop goals in a systematic way. This webinar will teach you not only how to make goals, but also how to set SMART objectives and how to achieve them. This course will teach you how to set important goals and build ways to achieve them. This webinar will show you how to develop SMART Goals, leverage your talents, conquer your weaknesses, stay motivated, manage your time, and overcome procrastination. These techniques can help you define and achieve specific goals. This webinar will also help you define goals, link action plans with your personal ambitions, and develop a roadmap to keep you motivated.
Course summary
This course is for people who want to set meaningful goals and learn how to attain them in a systematic way. In this webinar participants will learn key principles in goal formulation, assessing and prioritizing critical goals, overcoming various barriers connected with goal achievement, and developing an action plan to achieve goals.
Course outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will be able to.
- Know the fundamentals of goal-setting,
- Recognize the difficulties in attaining goals,
- Develop strategies for long-term goal setting,
- Assist yourself in aligning your daily actions with your objectives,
What will I learn in this course?
- Learn to set significant goals for yourself.
- Determine which goals are significant and which are urgent.
- How to set SMART Goals.
- Learn time management and how to combat procrastination.
- Use effective techniques to overcome hurdles to achieve your goals.
Why should I take this course?
- To clarify your goals,
- To learn how to set SMART goals and how to achieve them,
- To maintain positivity in life,
- To prioritize and align your daily activities with your goals,
- To use and manage time well.
A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.
Apart from credit card payments, you can make your payment by transferring to the
UBAN number.
Account Number: 10-304-0000134885 - NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.
Near East Bank - UBAN: CT16139050100103040000134885
It is mandatory to write your Name - Surname and E-mail address during payment by money order.
After the payment, send your receipt to [email protected] with your Name - Surname, and E-mail address.