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He was born into a family who had a small grocery shop, and also who dealt with vine-growing in Esentepe, a village in Paphos, Cyprus, in 1966. After finishing Değirmenlik Primary School, he then graduated from Bayraktar Secondary School and Türk Lisesi (Turkish High School) respectively. Moreover, in 1988, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Finance. After completing his military service as a reserve officer in 1990, he started his business life as an entrepreneur. He dealt with important export and operated in many different sectors like marketing, jewelry, house appliances and furniture, restaurant management, coffee production, and confectionery in his whole business life. In 1993, he was one of the co-founders of Junior Chamber International (JCI) in North Cyprus alongside his friends, and he served as a president in 1999. He is continuing his service in JCI as a senator now. Furthermore, he served as the chairman of the Food Importers Association in Cyprus from 2008 to 2013. Alongside his busy work life, he improved his wine knowledge by receiving lectures in Turkey, Italy, France, and Argentina, and he established the La Reserva Wine Club in North Cyprus. He is lecturing about the wines of the world to his students in La Reserva Wine Club and contributing to increasing knowledge of wine in Cyprus. Alongside the lectures he gave in La Reserva Wine Club, he works as a part-time lecturer in the department of gastronomy at Near East University. He is married and has two children.
What should be considered when buying wine?
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