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Igor was born on 09.05.1965 in Obninsk, Russia. In 1983, he graduated from the Art School Faculty of Artistic Wood Carving in Tarusa, Russia. From 1986 to 1989, he studied at the Mukhin Industrial Art School in St. Petersburg. In 1990, he graduated from the modeling ceramic products course and then worked as a master of ceramic art modeling in St. Petersburg. In 1993, he intensively studied art history. Since 1996, he has been searching for a new direction in art and working in his original style "Transcendentalism". Since 2008, he has been publishing articles about art in different magazines. In 2011, he wrote the first book dedicated to the new style "The Essence of Transcendental Art". In 2012, he was awarded the Mikhail Sholokhov medal. From 2015 until the present day, together with his wife Lýdia Drozdová, he opened the art studio in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where they teach drawing and painting for everyone.
Transcendental Art
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