BANKA HAVALESİ İLE ÖDEME Kredi kartı ödemesi dışında UBAN numarasına havale yaparak ödemenizi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Hesap Numarası: 10-304-0000134885
Near East Bank – UBAN : CT16139050100103040000134885 Havale ile ödeme sırasında İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi yazmanız zorunludur.
Ödeme yaptıktan sonra dekontunuzu İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi [email protected] adresine gönderiniz.
He graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine in 1998. He completed his master's degree in sports medicine (athlete’s health) in 2002 at Hacettepe University and his doctorate in sports science and technology-exercise physiology in 2007. Between 2000-2004, he worked as the responsible physician at the Sports Training and Health Research Centre of the General Directorate of Youth and Sports. He has worked as a national team doctor in many branches and contributed to many team successes. He received awards as the responsible doctor for various Turkish national wrestling teams that were ranked 3rd in Europe, European champions, as well as both runners up and World Champions. Since 2018, he has been serving as the team doctor of the Turkish Women’s National Team. In 2006, he started to work as a lecturer at the Near East University School of Physical Education and Sports. He became an assistant professor in September 2012 and associate professor in February 2015. Between September 2011 and July 2020, he served as the Head of the Sports Medicine Department of the Near East University Faculty of Medicine, and as the Head of the Department of Coach Training at the NEU School of Physical Education and Sports between 2008-2018. He is currently the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Sport Sciences at NEU.
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