Instructor Name

Dr. Abidemi Somoye




5 (3 Rating)

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Course Description

This course is very essential for students who want to understand how society works. One of the ways society works is through the channeling of funds from the surplus sector to the deficit sector. This course will provide information about how the funds are channeled or allocated.

Course outcome

  • You will have a basic understanding of the concept of saving and the motives for saving.
  • You will know the meaning of investment.
  • You will be able to explain the financial system as a concept.
  • You will be able to define the market for loanable funds.

Why should I take this course? 

  • You will be able to define what saving is and why saving is important.
  • You will be able to differentiate between financial capital and physical capital.
  • You will understand the basic principles behind the financial system.
  • You will learn about the loanable fund theory.


A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.  


Account Number: 5010 - 600010955  – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.

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Course Curriculum

1 Saving, Investment and the Financial System
26 Min


Abidemi Somoye

5 Rating
3 Reviews
378 Students
5 Courses

Dr. Abidemi Somoye has a BSc in Economics from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nıgeria; an
MSc in Economics from Girne American University, TRNC; and a PhD in Economics from Near East
University, TRNC, where he currently teaches public finance, international economics, industrial
economics, economic development, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. His research focuses on
energy economics and developmental economics. His articles have been published in high–ranking
journals such as Renewable Energy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Letters in Spatial
and Resource Sciences, and OPEC Energy Review. He is a reviewer for international journals such as SN
Business & Economics, African Development Review, Environmental Quality Management and Sage
Open. He is a member of the American Economic Association and a Certified Professional Life Coach
from Transformation Academy, USA. He is a speaker and the author of five personal development books.
Dr. Abidemi Somoye loves to see people become the best they can be.
Awards and recognitions: Distinction in his MSc and PhD Degree. In addition, Dr. Abidemi Somoye
had one of the top cited paper in his article ‘the impact of financial development on energy consumption
in Nigeria’ from OPEC Energy Review in 2021–2022.
Personal/Professional Achievements: Certified Professional Life Coach from Transformation Academy,
Professional Affiliation and membership:American Economic Association

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Saving, Investment and the Financial System


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