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Specialist Dietitian Fatma Hacet was born in Nicosia on the 22nd of August 1990. She completed her primary school at the Şht. Doğan Ahmet İlkokulu and her middle school at the Atleks Sanverler Ortaokulu. She then studied high school at the Bülent Ecevit Anadolu Lisesi (2004-2008). In 2013, she graduated from the Near East University Health Sciences Institute Nutrition and Dietetics Department. In 2017, she completed the Near East University Health Sciences Institute Nutrition and Dietetics Postgraduate Training Program. She has been working at the Near East University Health Sciences Faculty Nutrition and Dietetics Department as a research developer since 2014 and has been continuing her Doctorate studies at the Near East University Health Sciences Institute Nutrition and Dietetics Department since 2017. Her fields of interest include Mass Nutrition Systems, Hygiene and Sanitation, Menu Planning, Nutrition Principles, and Nutrition Microbiology.
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