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Course Description

Course summary

This course will begin with the definition of Developmental Psychology and its terminology. Then, in the following modules, critical stages that can affect the developmental process between the ages of 0-6 (such as potty training) and the effect of parents (caregivers) during these stages, the basic mistakes, and the steps that must be taken for healthy development will be undertaken. The other modules will again include the negative situations that affect the developmental stage; however this will not be undertaken from the perspective of the developmental phase, but the positive and negative impacts of environmental conditions (such as giving birth to a new sibling or divorce) and the effect these have on healthy development, how this process must be approached, what can be done and how these conditions can be overcome in a healthier way.

Course description

Developmental Psychology is a very comprehensive field. Therefore, in this course, you will focus on the basic concepts of development and the effects of some critical periods and environmental changes on children between the ages of 0-6, which is a section of the lifelong development process, with the aim of gaining a development perspective.

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding related concepts,
  • Understanding related concepts discussing possible real-life applications of the relevant concepts and offering suggestions,
  • To be able to apply the related concept to practical/other given situations/cases,
  • To be able to critically analyze the practical applications of the related concept,
  • To be able to utilize various concepts and theories to create their own unique approaches.

The target audience of the course

Those who study, work, or they are interested in a department related to the field of child development (psychology, preschool education, PCG, social services) and parents.

Why should participants choose this course?

Children are an important part of our social life and are the building blocks of our future. Therefore, regardless of whether you are a parent or not, learning what can be done for the development of physically, cognitively, and socially healthy children and teenagers, is important for the healthy development of society.


A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.  


Account Number: 5010 - 600010955  – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.

After the payment, send your receipt to info.estudybox@neu.edu.tr with your Name – Surname, and E-mail address.

Course Curriculum

1 Introduction to developmental psychology

1 Toilet training

1 New Sibling

1 Divorce

1 Digital media

1 School adjustment and bullying


Asst. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Ulu

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344 Students
4 Courses

She was born in 1982 in Karadeniz Ereğli. She graduated from Karadeniz Anatolian High School in 2000. She received her undergraduate education at the Department of Psychology at Middle East Technical University and graduated in 2005. She completed her master's degree education at the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Near East University in 2010. She completed her doctorate education on Developmental Psychology at Maltepe University Developmental Psychology by presenting her doctoral dissertation titled “Examining memory errors in four different age groups in terms of the development of semantic memory” (2012-2016). She was promoted to assistant professor in 2017. She has published various national and international book chapters, articles, and reports in the fields of social, sexual, and cognitive development in children and adolescents. She worked at Atatürk Faculty of Education of Near East University between the years of 2007-2017 and served as the Head of the Preschool Teaching Department between 2014 and 2017. Since 2017, she has been working as a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Near East University and as the coordinator of the Department of General Psychology.

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Developmental Psychology


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