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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Aşıksoy completed her undergraduate degree at the Ankara University Physics Engineering Department and her post-graduate degree in the field of Electrical-Electronic Engineering. She obtained her doctorate degree at the Near East University Computer and Teaching Technologies Department. She was assigned as the Near East University Education Technologies and Informatics Coordinator in 2017 and as the Physics Lectures Coordinator in 2018. She has been working at the Biomedical Engineering Department as a lecturer since 2018. She has been working as the coordinator of the Near East University Flipped Learning Model education project since 2017. Gülsüm Aşıksoy has published articles and books in the Sciences and Social Sciences indices in the fields of flipped learning, games in learning and teaching, interactive simulation in teaching physics, digital games-simulations and artificial nerve networks, etc. and has attended national and international conferences.
DaVinci Resolve 17 Eğitimi ( Başlangıç Düzeyi)
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