


3 (1 Rating)

Course Description

Course summary

Teaching Generation Z, who was born in this information age, using traditional methods that have been used for the last 900 years is an approach that does not consider the reality of this generation. The Flipped Learning model has become a popular teaching model amongst teachers and researchers in recent years as it meets the expectations of students who were born and are growing up in a world filled with technology. This model, which can be applied to every stage of learning beginning from K12 up to higher education, enables individualized learning opportunities outside of the classroom and transforms classroom lessons into interactive, collaborative, active, and fun environments. The basis of the model consists of integrating technology into education while still teaching from a pedagogic perspective and the importance of student-centered learning compared to tech-centered learning.

Course description

This course provides many alternatives for information and communication technologies, educational environments, methods, and tools. Researchers, teachers, and academicians who use these options develop educational environments that help students learn using information and communication technologies. One of these innovations is the “Flipped Learning Model.” This course is a basic module that offers an introduction to the pedagogical basics and application principles of the Flipped Learning Model. The advantages of this model, which has drawn the attention of educators worldwide, will be analyzed and compared with existing models (traditional learning, hybrid learning, and distance learning). This course covers how the model will be applied to different disciplines and which technology products can be used. Additionally, it includes how playing, simulations, and other techniques can be integrated into in-class and out-of-class lessons and practical information on interactive materials that trainers can develop according to this model. As this model is flexible, it will be shown that it can be applied to different educational environments, as well as the roles of the instructor and students differ in class. The fact that the Flipped Learning Model can be applied to every level from K12 to the university level will be demonstrated with developed projects.

Learning outcomes

  • Compares flipped learning, traditional learning, distance learning, and hybrid learning,
  • Explains the flipped learning model,
  • Evaluates the pedagogic aspects of the model,
  • Reviews the technologies used in flipped learning components,
  • Lists the methods and techniques used in flipped learning components,
  • Explains the application steps of the model,
  • Explains the benefits and challenges of the model,
  • Gives suggestions on how the model can be applied,
  • Integrates flipped learning and online learning.

What will Participants learn in this course?

  • Flipped Learning Model,
  • Suitable Education technology products,
  • Suitable active techniques,
  • Application steps,
  • Integrating the flipped learning model with online education.

Why should participants choose this course?

  • To compare the differences between the traditional learning models and the flip-learning model,
  • To learn how to apply the Flipped Learning Model,
  • To learn how to use education technologies suitable to the model,
  • To learn how to apply the Flipped Learning Model to different levels of education,
  • To learn how to integrate Flipped Learning with online education.


A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.  


Account Number: 5010 - 600010955  – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.

After the payment, send your receipt to info.estudybox@neu.edu.tr with your Name – Surname, and E-mail address.

Course Curriculum

1 Lesson1st 2 - What is flipped learning? Deadline: 14.01.2021

1 Lesson 1st 3 - Pedagogical basics of flipped classes

1 Lesson 1st 4 - Flipside learning components

1 Lesson 1st 5 - In-class and out-of-class components (tools used and active method-techniques)

1 Lesson 1st 6 - Implementation of the step-by-step model

1 Lesson 1st 7 - The benefits and challenges of the model and recommendations for the model

1 Lesson 1st 8 - Online teaching adaptation with Flipped Learning

1 Lesson 1st 1 - Traditional learning, Distance learning and Hybrid learning Deadline: 14.01.2021

1 Lesson 1st 9 - 1st Application

1 Lesson 1st 9 - 2nd Application


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Aşıksoy

3 Rating
1 Reviews
2797 Students
8 Courses

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Aşıksoy completed her undergraduate degree at the Ankara University Physics Engineering Department and her post-graduate degree in the field of Electrical-Electronic Engineering. She obtained her doctorate degree at the Near East University Computer and Teaching Technologies Department. She was assigned as the Near East University Education Technologies and Informatics Coordinator in 2017 and as the Physics Lectures Coordinator in 2018. She has been working at the Biomedical Engineering Department as a lecturer since 2018. She has been working as the coordinator of the Near East University Flipped Learning Model education project since 2017. Gülsüm Aşıksoy has published articles and books in the Sciences and Social Sciences indices in the fields of flipped learning, games in learning and teaching, interactive simulation in teaching physics, digital games-simulations and artificial nerve networks, etc. and has attended national and international conferences.

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Flipped Learning Model


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