Instructor Name

Assoc. Erdoğan Ergün


Art & Design


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Course Description

Содержание курса

Нанесение краски на поверхность путем создания трафаретов из поддающихся вырезанию материалов, таких как бумага, картон и т. д., вырезание трафаретов ножом или скальпелем и нанесение цвета для создания произведений искусства.

Результаты курса По окончанию курса участники смогут:

  • Нарисовать дизайн,
  • Подготовьте дизайн для вырезания трафарета,
  • Вырезать трафарет,
  • Нанесите трафарет на поверхность.

Кто должен пройти этот курс?

Этот курс может пройти каждый, кто хочет заниматься искусством.


По окончании данного курса выдается сертификат об участии.

Course Curriculum

1 Видео


Assoc. Erdoğan Ergün

0 Rating
0 Reviews
8 Students
3 Courses

He was born on October 30, 1972, in Ankara. He completed his undergraduate, graduate, and proficiency in arts programs at the Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphics. He took part in university-directed research projects, participated in many group exhibitions, and opened personal exhibitions both locally and abroad. He was a jury member in many competitions related to the field. He took part in the organization of artistic and academic events. He carries out national and international artistic workshops. He has been working on printmaking, street art and its extension, stencil art, for many years. He has been continuing his academic-artistic studies at the Near East University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Graphic Design Department since 2006. He continues to serve as the Assistant Dean and Head of the Graphic Design Department at the same Faculty, where he was appointed as an Associate Professor. His works are in official and private collections.

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