BANKA HAVALESİ İLE ÖDEME Kredi kartı ödemesi dışında UBAN numarasına havale yaparak ödemenizi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Hesap Numarası: 10-304-0000134885
Near East Bank – UBAN : CT16139050100103040000134885 Havale ile ödeme sırasında İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi yazmanız zorunludur.
Ödeme yaptıktan sonra dekontunuzu İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi [email protected] adresine gönderiniz.
Aziz Gürpınar graduated from Istanbul Technical University in July 1982 with the title of "Shipbuilding and Machinery Engineer". In 1996, he completed the 7-week course on "Occupational Health and Safety Management System" in the USA National Safety Council with a Fulbright scholarship and obtained an "Advanced Safety Certificate". He completed his Master's Degree in Occupational Health and Safety at the NEU Institute of Health Sciences with the thesis titled “Lefkoşa Mobilya Atölyelerinde Toz Kirliliği” (Dust Pollution in Nicosia Furniture Workshops) in the 2019-2020 Fall Semester. He has attended various courses, conferences and seminars in the field of occupational health and safety at home and abroad. He has an Occupational Health and Safety Specialization Certificate. Starting from 1984, he worked for 30 years at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in various positions including the Undersecretariat and the Ministry. He took an active role in the preparation of the TRNC occupational health and safety legislation. He worked as a consultant and a trainer in the field of OHS in various private sector enterprises. He has been working as a Lecturer and Department Coordinator in the field of Occupational Health and Safety at Near East University since 2016.
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