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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çise Çavuşoğlu was born in Nicosia in1981. She graduated from GCE Mathematics Section of Turkish Maarif College in 1998. After graduating as the top student from the Department of English Language Teaching of Eastern Mediterranean University, she completed her master's degree at the Educational Sciences Graduate School of the same university. She carried out qualitative studies as a research assistant at the Educational Sciences Graduate School during her graduate education. Her master's thesis, which investigated the effect of divorce on Turkish Cypriot families' desire for education, was the first qualitative study conducted in this department. After graduating from Eastern Mediterranean University in 2004, she started to work as a lecturer at the Department of English Language Teaching of Near East University. In the 2005-2006 academic year, she served as the Deputy Head of the Department. In 2006, she was deemed worthy of the FLTA scholarship by the Fulbright Commission in the field of foreign language education and taught Turkish as a foreign language at Binghamton University (New York) during the 2006-2007 academic year. Then, in order to investigate the language, identity, and cultural reflections in Turkish schools of Turkish Cypriot young people living in London within the scope of her doctoral thesis, she went to London and resided there. During the three years of her doctorate education, she was awarded the Quota Scholarship provided by the Economic and Social Research Council through King's College London. After completing her doctoral degree education in November 2010, she returned to her country and continued to work at Near East University. She currently works as a faculty member and Deputy Head of the Department of English Language Teaching. Having supervised many master's degree theses in different fields of English language teaching, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çavuşoğlu's research topics include ethnic identity, culture, the use of language in daily life, and the use of language in multicultural and multilingual educational settings for different sociological and educational purposes.
Innovative Approaches and Learning in Education
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