BANKA HAVALESİ İLE ÖDEME Kredi kartı ödemesi dışında UBAN numarasına havale yaparak ödemenizi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Hesap Numarası: 10-304-0000134885
Near East Bank – UBAN : CT16139050100103040000134885 Havale ile ödeme sırasında İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi yazmanız zorunludur.
Ödeme yaptıktan sonra dekontunuzu İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi [email protected] adresine gönderiniz.
He was born in Samsun on 20.09.1970. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Samsun. In 1994, He graduated from the Military Medical Faculty of Gülhane Military Medical Academy as a Medical Doctor. After completing his residency training on obstetrics and gynaecology at the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic of Istanbul GATA Haydarpaşa Hospital, he worked at Ankara Mevki Military Hospital, Erzurum Mareşal Çakmak Military Hospital, and Adana Military Hospital. He worked as an Assistant Professor at Istanbul GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital in 2009 and became an Associate Professor at the same hospital in 2013. He participated in the oncology training conducted by the Department of Gynaecological Oncology of Çapa Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul University in 2011. In 2013, he also participated in the "Assisted Reproductive Therapy Certification Clinical Training Course" held at ÜYTE Centre (Assisted Reproductive Therapy Centre) of the Zeynep Kamil Women’s and Children’s Diseases Training and Research Hospital of Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate affiliated with the Ministry of Health. Since March 2020, he has been serving as the Head of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic of Near East University Hospital. He is married with one child.
Gebe Okulu
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