BANKA HAVALESİ İLE ÖDEME Kredi kartı ödemesi dışında UBAN numarasına havale yaparak ödemenizi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Hesap Numarası: 10-304-0000134885
Near East Bank – UBAN : CT16139050100103040000134885 Havale ile ödeme sırasında İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi yazmanız zorunludur.
Ödeme yaptıktan sonra dekontunuzu İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi [email protected] adresine gönderiniz.
She was born in Nicosia in 1984. After completing her high school training at Türk Maarif College, she then went on to graduate from the NEU Faculty of Education Department of English Teaching with high honors in 2005. The same year, she began working at the NEU Preparatory School as a lecturer. She studied at American University, Washington, D.C. in 2010. She participated in national and international seminaries in her own field. After graduating from the City & Guilds Beauty Therapy department in 2014 in England, she obtained her apprenticeship and vocational training specialism certificate from the TRNC Ministry of Education. She attended many seminars and courses in this field. She established the Hair Care and Beauty services department at the NEU Vocational High school in 2015 and assumed the duty of heading the department. She began her doctorate program at the NEU Educational Sciences Institute, Educational Management, Evaluation, Economy and Planning department in 2015 and completed her doctorate program in 2018. She obtained the title of Associate Professor in 2019. She is married and a mother of one child.
El, Ayak ve Tırnak Bakımı Kursu
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