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Course Description

Course summary

The new regional equation created by the 2011 Arab Uprisings has led to disputes on issues such as the limitation of energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, maritime jurisdictions, and Exclusive Economic Zones in the region. In this context, within the scope of the course, documentary videos will be made about coastal countries like Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey, and the policies of the European Union (EU), Russian Federation, and the USA with regard to this regional issue will be studied as we search for a solution-based approach and develop opinions.

Course description

One of the issues emerging in the international system in recent years is the transformation of the Eastern Mediterranean region into a new power struggle. A new geopolitical balance has emerged in the region after the public movement called the 2011 Arab Spring. In addition to these developments, the Eastern Mediterranean countries taking action to determine the maritime regions of these coastlines has created the need to identify the policies of countries who have coastal borders such as Turkey, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, GCASC, Syria and Cyprus as well as global actors such as the European Union (EU), Russian Federation and the USA and to assess them with a systematic approach. This course aims to provide the participants with the opportunity to develop solutions to the conflicts and dilemmas that have arisen in the Eastern Mediterranean region in recent years.

Learning outcomes

  • The participants will be able to define and identify the Eastern Mediterranean region on a world scale;
  • Define the coastal countries, global state and non-state actors, and policies that shape the eastern Mediterranean region;
  • Analyze the Arab uprisings (spring) that reshaped the regional distribution of power in the Eastern Mediterranean region;
  • Define local and regional actors who have been involved in regional politics since 2011 and understand their policies;
  • Provide all opportunities for them to develop their skills to analytically define and develop solutions to the areas of struggle, conflicts, and dilemmas that occur in the Eastern Mediterranean region,
  • Examine and analyze the foreign policies of the USA, Russia, and the EU towards the Eastern Mediterranean region.

What will participants learn in the course?

  • The main aim of this course is to evaluate the policies of the countries within the Eastern Mediterranean region and the new geostrategic equation formed in the region after 2011,
  • It is aimed to teach the historical, systematic, and current analysis of the actors and dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean geography to researchers, decision-makers, and students who are interested in the subject,
  • Within the scope of the course, the "new" dynamics and dilemmas that have emerged from the Arab Uprisings (Spring) as of 2011 and the exploration of hydrocarbon reserves just off Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean will be discussed,
  • Since this problem concerns all of the countries with coastlines on the Eastern Mediterranean including Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, and Libya, it is essential that the political behavior of the European Union (EU), Russia, and the USA, as well as their foreign policies towards this region, are studied, with the aim of recommending solutions,
  • The problems that arise while determining the maritime jurisdiction areas of the Eastern Mediterranean countries and the policies put forward for this issue will be examined, and a documentary course will be given based on the opinions of subject matter experts given in interviews.

Why should participants choose this course?

  • The Eastern Mediterranean Region has been placed at the center of the international agenda in the last 10 years, and it has therefore become important to analyze the regional actors and their policies;
  • The efforts of Egypt and Israel to establish a natural gas hub (hub) in the region, initiated by the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GASC) in 2010 and following the Arab Revolts in the Eastern; Mediterranean region, led to the formation of ground for conflict as well as cooperation in the region;
  • Turkey and Libya signed an agreement to determine the maritime boundaries following the attempt to isolate Turkey’s maritime zone due to the formation of new blocs;
  • It has become important to examine the global actors and their policies that shape the political equation in the Eastern Mediterranean;
  • The ability to define the approaches of actors such as the USA and the EU to the Eastern Mediterranean region gives important clues about the foreign policies of these actors.


A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.  


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Account Number: 10-304-0000134885 – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.

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Course Curriculum

1 1st Video - The Eastern Mediterranean at a World Scale: An Introduction

1 2nd Video - The Eastern Mediterranean on a World Scale: The European Union

1 3rd Video - Eastern Mediterranean at a World Scale: Energy Security and Regional Geopolitics

1 4th Video - East Mediterranean on a World Scale: Turkey


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Köprülü

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2 Students
3 Courses

Dr. Nur KÖPRÜLÜ is the Head of the Near East University Department of Political Science. She completed her Ph.D. in the Department of International Relations at Middle East Technical University (METU-Ankara). Dr. Köprülü has published articles on the Arab Spring, democratization processes, identity politics, and opposition in journals such as Israel Affairs, Middle East Policy, Digest of Middle East Studies, Turkish Policy Quarterly, and Perceptions. Dr. Köprülü has works relating to authoritarian flexibility and democratization after the Arab Spring in Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco, women's movements, and Syrian refugees following the Arab uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Moreover, she has co-authored articles on Cyprus and was published in journals including Southeast European and Black Sea Studies as well as Mediterranean Politics.

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Eastern Mediterranean on a World-Scale: Actors, Dynamics and the Dilemmas


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