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Hesap Numarası: 10-304-0000134885
Near East Bank – UBAN : CT16139050100103040000134885
Havale ile ödeme sırasında İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi yazmanız zorunludur. Ödeme yaptıktan sonra dekontunuzu İsim – Soyisim ve E-mail adresinizi [email protected] adresine
Prof. Dr. Cavit Atalar
After graduating from Ankara University as the
valedictorian in 1973, Prof. Dr. Cavit Atalar completed his doctorate studies
at the University of London in 1980. He began to serve as an academician at the
Department of Civil Engineering of Near East University in 1994. Over the last
28 years, he has realized more than 300 academic activities including more than
150 presentations and publications. He is the laureate of the European Heritage
Award, known as the Europe Nostra Award.
He was honoured with the European Heritage Award for his project
involving the restoration of the Historical Bedesten, also known as Old Nikola
Church, and the restoration project of the Armenian Church and Monastery in
2009 and 2015, respectively. He is the editor or the author and co-author of 19
books, and more than 100 articles, papers, project reports, and technical
reports. Six of his papers have been published in the proceedings of the
International and European Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
conferences held every four years. Cavit Atalar has organized more than 30
conferences and served as the chair or member, panel member, chair of a
session, or a member of the advisory board in many national and international
conferences. Together with the Chairperson of the Turkish Society of Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Cavit Atalar chairs the organizing
committee of the International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, which is held every four years under the aegis of
the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in
collaboration with Near East University and the Turkish Society of Soil
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. From 2002 to 2004, he served as the
editor-in-chief of the Geosound Journal. He has been a member of the editorial
board of the International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering since 2007. He
has been serving as a peer reviewer for 4 international journals since 2002. He
served as a coordinator on 3 projects and as a researcher on 3 projects
supported by international organizations. He served as a coordinator on 4
projects and as a researcher on 2 projects supported by national organizations.
For two terms, he served as a member of the Board of the Union of Chambers of
Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects, as the Chairman of the Chamber of the
Earth Science Engineers, and as a committee member of the Nicosia Zoning Plan.
Depreme Hazırlıklı Olmak
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