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Course Description

Depremde Kriz Yönetimi

Afetlere hazırlık, etkin müdahale ve tahliye eylem planları açısından güvenli ortamı sağlama ve deprem veya acil durumlara karşı hazırlıklı olmak amacıyla önlem, hazırlık ve müdahale süreçlerini konu aldığımız ‘Depremde Kriz Yönetimi’ webinarımızda, muhtemel tehlikelerin risk analizi, gerekli önleyici tedbirlerin alınması, önlenemeyen durumlarda acil müdahale yönünde paylaşımlarda bulunuyoruz.

Course Curriculum

1 Depremde Kriz Yönetimi
1 Hour 32 Min


Prof. Dr. Behcet Öznacar

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21 Students
2 Courses

Dr. Behcet Öznacar was born on September 26, 1968 in Limassol. After completing his secondary and high school education at Canbulat High School, he graduated from the Department of Management and Organization of the Turkish Military Academy in 1990. He successfully completed the Military Academy in 2005. He completed his master's degree in "Business Management" at the European University of Lefke in 2006. After completing the Higher Administration Academy in 2011, he completed the doctorate program of Administration, Inspection, Planning and Economy of Education at Near East University in 2014. He currently works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Education at Near East University. Öznacar, who gives undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses related to his field, also participates in education conferences and is a member of the referee boards of journals. He has published book chapters and many articles. Öznacar, who has experience such as the Public Service Commission Measurement and Evaluation Field Expert, Board Member of Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation, Board Member of the Martyrs and Monuments Commission, also carries out research projects.

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Depremde Kriz Yönetimi


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