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Course Description

Course summary

The pregnancy phase is a unique stage of life. During this period, the prospective parents go through both joy and happiness. This new way of life forces parents to search for new information. They try to learn how correct their actions are, and share their experiences with others. Therefore, pregnancy preparation classes provide parents with the necessary information

Course definition

Preparing to meet a baby is an experience that not only affects the period of pregnancy and birth, but also the rest of your life. It is important that parents prepare for this experience to ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy birth. If the couples accept birth as a physiological process, and if the woman trusts her body and her baby, this will ensure a natural birth. With sufficient guidance, women can receive quality and efficient care from the preconception period until the end of birth, cope with birth pain, and be suitably informed about relaxation techniques.

Learning outcomes

  • Teaches how to deal with physical, social, and emotional situations during pregnancy,
  • Reduces mothers' fears and creates a supportive atmosphere,
  • Prepares prospective parents physically and emotionally for the new baby and the birth,
  • Provides a safe and pleasant birthing experience,
  • Improves pain coping skills,
  • Prepares parents for their changing roles and increases their self-esteem.

What will I learn in this course?

  • The changes that occur in the female body during pregnancy,
  • How to have a safe pregnancy,
  • What birth is and how it takes place,
  • The miracle of natural birth and pain-free birth,
  • Being a parent.

Why should I take this course?

You must take this course if you want a satisfying birth experience and take your baby into your arms with love.

Why should participants choose this course?

All pregnant women and women considering pregnancy and their spouses


A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.  


Near East Bank Account Number:  5010 - 600010955 – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.

It is mandatory to write your Name – Surname and E-mail address during payment by money order.

After the payment, send your receipt to info.estudybox@neu.edu.tr with your Name – Surname, and E-mail address.

Course Curriculum

1 Conception and Hormones
17 Min

2 How Does Birth Begin, How Does It Progress (Labour and Delivery)
15 Min

3 Non-Pharmaceutical Methods Used to Cope with Pain at Birth
4 Min

4 Birth has begun (Birth Project)
8 Min

5 Breathing Exercises to be Conducted when Birth Begins, Positions and Massages that Make Birth Easier
17 Min

6 Father's Role during Birth and the Importance of Professional Support
8 Min

7 Skin-to-Skin Contact, When to Cut the Umbilical Cord11
11 Min

8 Breastfeeding Baby Care
8 Min


Yrd. Doç. Dr. Filiz Yarıcı

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2034 Students
3 Courses

Dr. Filiz YARICI completed her undergraduate training at Mersin University (Midwifery) in 2004, her postgraduate training at the Çukurova University Health Sciences Institute (Midwifery) in 2010 and her doctorate education at Istanbul University Health Sciences Institute (Gynaecology Nursing Department) in 2016. She worked at the Başkent University Adana Turgut Noyan Research and Application Centre, Gynaecology Service between the years 2004-2006. She worked at the Sanatorium, Health Clinic, District Community Health Centre, Local Health Authority, Local Government Hospital and Family Clinic units connected to the Adana City Health Administration between the years 2006-2017. Shehas attended many national and international congresses, symposiums and meetings related to her field and was the head of many meetings, symposiums and congresses. She has been successfully working at the Near East University Health Sciences Faculty as the Head of the Midwifery Department and Assistant Head of the Health Sciences College since 2017. She has conducted charity work related to midwifery and has participated in many occupational group studies.

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Birth Preparation Training


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