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He was born in Kyrenia on July 7, 1975. His father is Turkish Cypriot and his mother is British. After studying at 23 Nisan Primary School for 2.5 years, he moved to London with his family in 1984. There he attended North Haringey Primary School and Noel Park Primary School for 2.5 years. He and his parents moved back to Cyprus with in 1986, and attended to Bayraktar Turkish Maarif College and graduated in 1992. He graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature of EMU in 1996. He completed his military service as a sergeant in 1998 and settled in London. He received his DPSI (Diploma in Public Service Interpreting) in 2000 and worked as a sworn translator/interpreter in assize courts, civil courts of first instance, immigration courts and airports in London. He returned to Cyprus in 2013 and started to work as a teacher in the English Preparatory Department at Girne American University. He completed the CELTA course in London in 2014. He worked as a Turkish Second Language Teacher at the English School of Kyrenia in 2016, and worked as a Turkish Second Language and English Teacher at Necat British College (Alsancak) from November 2016 to 2017. He is the founding president and one of the chess coaches of the Silver Horse Chess Association, which started its activities in Kyrenia in 2015. During the academic year of 2019-2020, he worked as an instructor at Final University English Preparatory School. He has been working as an instructor at the English Preparatory School of CIU since April 2021.
Basics of Chess
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