Course description
The 0-48 Month Child Care and Babysitting Course aims to train care workers who can provide effective daily care for children, play an educated and effective role in the feeding, toilet, and sleeping habits of children, cope with difficult situations that they may face and prepare supportive game activities for children. The main aims of this course also include increasing the knowledge, skills, and awareness regarding child development and care of those caring for children such as parents or grandparents.
Course outcomes
- To recognize the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development phases in babies and children,
- To understand the importance of baby and child nutrition,
- To know how to provide hygienic care for babies and children and to apply it,
- To grasp the importance of games and language development in babies and children,
- To learn about the scanning tests that must be conducted in babies and children and when they should be performed,
- To increase the knowledge and skills of how a person providing baby care can protect their own health (to learn the position that they must be in when changing the baby’s nappy etc.)
Why must I take this course?
- To gain competency in baby and child care,
- To increase the quality of baby and child care,
- To conduct correct and safe applications by obtaining education in the field of baby and child care,
- To protect your own health during baby care,
- To be able to gain a job more easily and securely by obtaining a certificate in the field of baby and child care.
Participation Certificate
The participation certificate will become active after the course has been completed.
Apart from credit card payments, you can make your payment by transferring to the
UBAN number.
Account Number: 10-304-0000134885 – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.
Near East Bank – UBAN: CT16139050100103040000134885
It is mandatory to write your Name – Surname and E-mail address during payment by money order.
After the payment, send your receipt to [email protected] with your Name – Surname, and E-mail address.