
Specialist Physiotherapist Gülsün Hacıoğulları


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She was born on February 26, 1991, in Köşklüçiftlik / Nicosia. After completing primary school in Gönyeli Primary School, she completed secondary and high school education at TMK. She graduated from the Eastern Mediterranean University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department in 2014. After working voluntarily at the Bülent Ecevit and Rehabilitation Center for a while, she became an assistant at CIU. Finally, after working at Nafia Bekiroğlu Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center in 2016, she left her job there and established the Physioaloha Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center in May 2017. She works in the field of clinical pilates, pregnancy pilates, orthopaedics, and neurology. Training and seminars she has attended include: "Ares Tape Therapeutic Kinesiology Tape" in 2014, "Hands-On Seminars Master Certification in Manual Therapy" in 2015, "Patient Assessment & Clinical Applications in Respiratory Therapy" in 2015, and completed" Cognitive "Exercise Therapy (BETY)" training in 2020. Other training and seminars she has attended: "Jarricot Test and Treatment Method", "Radiology for Physiotherapists", "Swallowing Disorders Seminar", "Prescription in Health and Sports: Exercise-themed scientific event”. Workshops she has attended: “Cognitive Exercise Therapy (BETY), CYRIAX METHOD, Current Physiotherapy Approaches in Athlete Injuries Workshop”. Congresses Attended: “1st. National Cyprus Turkish Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Congress”, “International Cardiometabolic Syndrome Eastern Mediterranean Congress & Eastern Mediterranean University Student Symposium”, “Innovations in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation -1st. National Eastern Mediterranean Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Symposium”, “2nd National Prosthetic Orthosis Symposium”. She has participated in training on “Palliative Care Symposium”, “Physiotherapy Applications in Hand Tendon and Peripheral Nerve Injuries”, and “Physiotherapy Practices in Current Geriatric Rehabilitation”.

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