
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Çakır İlhan


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She is continuing her academic and teaching career, which began in 1977 when she became a painting teacher. She obtained an undergraduate degree at the Ankara University Educational Sciences Faculty Education Programs and Teaching Department in 1980. She completed the postgraduate and doctorate programs at the same university in the field of Fine Arts Education, Social Sciences Institute, Education Programs and Teaching Department. She has written many journals, published various reports in congresses and worked as a consultant and executive for various projects. Some of these projects include; ‘’Çocuk Dostu Ankara!”, ‘’Çocuk Müze Eğitimi ve Dostluk Treni”, “Arkeoloji Müzelerinde Müzik Eğitimi”, ‘’Eğitim Fakültelerindeki Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programlarında Yer Alan Görsel Sanatlar Öğretimi Dersinin Postmodern Sanat Eğitimi Anlayışı Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi” and “Müze Profesyonelleri” Ayşe ÇAKIR İLHAN, who was accepted into the Ankara University Education Sciences Faculty Fine Arts Training field as a Researcher in 1989, has conducted the duties of Head of Department, Assistant Dean, Head of the Ankara University Education Science Institute, Head of Development Foundation Schools Board of Science, and member of the YÖK consultant Board. Ilhan, who also worked as the head of the ‘Sanat Eğitimcileri Derneği’ (Art Training association), was the Dean of the Ankara University Education Sciences Faculty between 2012-2015. She is continuing her duties as the Dean of the Ankara University Fine Arts Faculty and the Head of the Ankara University Museum Education Department. Her fields of study include Art Training, Creativity Education, Museum Education and Museology, and Creative Drama Education.

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