Course Description

In this work, I can observe how the success of a child with curiosity and talent, which was recognized and steered at an early age by her human sensitivity and social consciousness abiding parents and teachers, has been transformed into social, as well as individual happiness, honour and joy and how this has set an example for the coming generations, nourished their sense of confidence, and flourished their hopes of a promising future. I wholeheartedly congratulate the writer who has given thought to and created this work and introduced us to the previously unnoticed talents and their duties proudly fulfilled with devotion. | believe that the writer's work will give rise to the values of North Cyprus, and I wish her all the success in the future.

Prof. Dr. Sabri Koç Linguistics Specialist Raziye Kocaismail set forth saying "I suffered, others should not!" and created an army of volunteers fighting against cancer. She carried out projects that could otherwise only be done by the government. She became the keystone of an association which cancer patients totally depended on and she never gave up. Therefore, she became the symbol for battle against cancer. She is one of our many values worthy of a book.

Nezire Gürkan

Journalist - Writer


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Jewels Of Northern Cyprus - 2


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