Course description
The 0-6 age period is the most important period of childhood in terms of learning and developmental milestones. In this regard, the rights of a child, particularly the right to special protection, and physical safety education need to be provided in this period, and "effective communication", which is essential for child developmental needs that evolve as the child grows up, constitute the core of this course.
Course outcomes
- You will be able to communicate much more effectively with your child,
- You will be able to identify the developmental needs of children aged between 0 and 6,
- You will be able to educate your children regarding their rights and body safety,
- You will learn about the misconceptions regarding child development,
- You will be able to identify sensitive points and important milestones in your child’s development.
Why should I Take this Course?
Child development is a process every child goes through. You should take this course:
- To enable your child to grow up in the most appropriate way and ensure his/her mental and physical integrity, protect him/her against bad treatment and child abuse, and guide your child properly,
- In order to better define the 0-6 age period,
- In order to provide children with appropriate education on rights and body safety,
- To be able to communicate effectively and accurately with the child,
Who should take the course?
All professional groups in contact or who communicate with children.
A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.
Apart from credit card payments, you can make your payment by transferring to the
UBAN number.
Account Number: 10-304-0000134885 – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.
Near East Bank – UBAN: CT16139050100103040000134885
It is mandatory to write your Name – Surname and E-mail address during payment by money order.
After the payment, send your receipt to with your Name – Surname, and E-mail address.