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Course Description

Course definition

This course aims to provide parents with guidance and information about the most accurate parental attitude methods required to produce solutions to the problems that they may encounter during their children’s development.

Why should I choose this course?

Parenting is an important guiding task that supports the child throughout his or her life. Supporting your children with the right methods during this guidance process will enable you to raise individuals who are more self-confident, able to express their feelings and thoughts, are aware of problematic behaviors, and develop the ability to produce solutions.

Who should take this course?

It is suitable for adult students of all departments.


A certificate of participation is given upon completion of this course.  


Apart from credit card payments, you can make your payment by transferring to the UBAN number.

Account Number: 10-304-0000134885 – NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD.

Near East Bank – UBAN: CT16139050100103040000134885 It is mandatory to write your Name – Surname and E-mail address during payment by money order.

After the payment, send your receipt to [email protected] with your Name – Surname, and E-mail address.

Course Curriculum

1 What is the secure connection?

1 Parent Approachess

1 Why do childeren lie?

1 Childhood Fears and Anxieties

1 What is the School Phobia?

1 Returning to school after quarantine

1 Divorce and children

1 Self-confidence in children

1 Why is play important in childhood?

1 Saying no and approval seeking approaches

1 "Mum, how did Icome into this world?"

1 Adolescence characteristics

1 How to teach empathy to children?

1 Technology's benefits and losses

1 Why do children bite their nails?

1 Automatic Thoughts

1 Children and toys

1 Comparing the child to others

1 Reasons of children behaviour

1 Childeren who are stubborn

1 Breathing Exercises

1 Children's creativity

1 How to help your children adopt a reading habit?

1 COVID-19 informing for children

1 The effects of screen time on children

1 How to notify your child that they will have a sibling?

1 Bullying and being subjeted to bullying in childhood

1 Techniques to teaching your children how to save money

1 How to teach your children study techniques?


Specialist Psychologist Çağla Akarsel

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0 Reviews
35 Students
4 Courses

She was born in Nicosia on October 11, 1993. She graduated from the Department of Psychology of Near East University. While receiving her undergraduate education, she started working as a volunteer at the Cyprus TurkishPsychological Association. During her university education in 2013, she attended a 3-month course at Oxford Lake School of English. Following her graduation, she joined the Executive Board of the Cyprus Turkish PsychologicalAssociation. She is currently an active member of the Board. After graduating in 2015, she enrolled in the Clinical Child Psychology program for her master's degree at Cambridge Anglia Ruskin University. Upon completing her master's degree education in 2016, she returned to the island of Cyprus and started her doctorate education in the Department of Guidance and PsychologicalCounseling at the NEU Faculty of Education. She worked as the Coordinator of the NEU Dean of Students between 2016 and 2019. During this time, between 2018 and 2019, she completed her second master's program on cognitive Behavioural Therapy. In 2019, she started to work as the General Coordinator of Özay Günsel Children's University. Since 2016, she has been working as a part-time lecturer in the Department of Guidance and Psychological Counselling at Girne University and the Child DevelopmentDepartment at Near East University.

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Child and Adolescent Psychology


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