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Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ege İnce was born on the 11th of May 1988 and completed his primary and middle school training at Bursa- Musatafakemalpaşa. He completed his university training at Selçuk University Veterinarian Faculty and graduated in 2011. He did his doctorate degree at the same university in the Veterinary Faculty Internal Diseases Department in the field of “Veterinary Cardiology” and graduated in 2017. In the same year, he began to work at the Near East University Veterinary Faculty Internal Diseases Department as a lecturer. In 2018, he obtained the title of assistant professor. In 2019-2020, he conducted academic studies on wild and exotic animals and completed his practical training in Africa. He is currently working at Near East University as a lecturer.
Care and Feeding of Pets
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